Evolve Using Déjà-Vu

Published on 6 June 2023 at 19:42

Ever feel like you have non-stop déjà-vu? Like wait a minute, I lived through this experience already, oh my goodness, why is this happening again?!?

If the universe keeps sending you the same situation, it is giving you the opportunity to evolve.

Sometimes we look at life as being unfair. We think of all the things that are happening to us and we think we are powerless. The truth is, in life we will always face obstacles and challenges. But these are always a direct reflection of how we are meant to evolve as unique Souls.  So if you are finding yourself repeating the same situation multiple times, it's because the universe really really really wants your evolution!! Your evolution is necessary. Not just for yourself, but for everyone around you. And not even just the people physically around you but also the ripples that spread throughout the collective. Your energy is connected to everyone else just as their energy is connected with you. As more people decide to evolve - even more people become able to evolve. 


Evolution is all about change. How can you change the ways in which you are programmed to live? Instead of reacting to these unfair situations, how can you pull knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, harmony, and faith from yourself in these moments? How can you lean into yourself and find your own way through these situations - find your new way - your most authentic way - not just the way you were programmed to be.


We have all been programmed to follow the consensus. We've been taught not to make waves. We've been taught to be victims and allow things to happen to us. The only way to change your programming is to be aware in the moment. Stop reacting. Start pausing. Start breathing and considering your situation and allow what's coming from you to come into the world. What's coming from you is not a reaction - your reactions have been programmed. What's coming from you is your eternal wisdom as a divine soul. What's coming from you is love. What's coming from you is acceptance of life as it is and the knowledge that it can always change. What's coming from you is resilience and determination to make this situation the very best experience for you personally.


Your choices may not ever align with anyone else’s, and that's perfect!! Be Original, be authentic, be different!! Embrace who you are, embrace your knowledge, embrace your heart, embrace the possibility that you can be everything you desire to be. 


If you need help along your path, bringing out your inner light into your everyday life, book a Soul Blueprint Session with me!

Sending you so much love on your journey!


Your Soul Guide


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