From Lost to Empowered

Your Soul Destiny is within your reach...

Are you ready to discover the Blueprint for your Soul's desires?

Join me on a 4 week journey back to the truth of who you are.



You are here for a reason.

It is time for you to understand your Life Purpose and start creating the life you are here to experience!

Transform your life in alignment with your Soul's calling and truest desires.

Fuel yourself with inspiration and willpower to create the transformation you crave!


Over the course of 4-weeks and 7 live sessions you will gain the tools you need to connect to your Higher Self, Your Akashic Record, and the wisdom stored within your physical Body.

As bonus support you will also have the opportunity to join a live group Q&A session with me to receive channeled guidance, AND you will have access to join an Astrology Basics Session to learn how to use astrology to live in Divine alignment with your Soul.

**When you sign up for early bird pricing you will gain access to a 30 minute Individual Guidance Session with me to receive channeled guidance from your spirit team so you can start off the course with a clear focus and shared intention and connection with your soul team.
**Early Bird Pricing and Offer Expires on Friday 3/22


This course is for you if you are ready to embody your Soul gifts, strengths, and attributes to the fullest!

If you are ready to experience life surrounded by your soul friends and family.

If you are ready to take aligned action and create abundance doing what you truly enjoy with your entire being!

It is time to tap into your Soul and retrieve the knowledge it holds so you can live out the empowered life your Soul came here to experience!

This course will give you the spiritual tools and healing you need to transform your life.

You will walk away with a deeper understanding of who you are, your Soul purpose, and the lessons you are here to learn and move through.


Each week in this capsule is necessary in order to obtain the soul wisdom you need to transform your life from the inside out. 

Capsule 1: Mind

The first step to change is understanding exactly where you are.

Session 1: Thursday 4/4


In Capsule 1 you will also learn about your higher self, and learn how to call your higher self in to give you the guidance, love, and support you need as you prepare to dig deeper into the knowledge held within your soul.

The intention is for you to understand your current struggles in a new compassionate perspective so you can learn the lessons and release the karmic cycle you are trapped in.


Capsule 2: Spirit

Connect to your Soul in the Akashic Records


Once your mind has accepted it's role in manifesting your present situation, you will be able to integrate the next capsule. In this capsule you will tap into your spirit for guidance on who you are and your next steps. 


Session 2: Monday 4/8 - Intro to the Akashic Records + Soul Attunement

Session 3: Thursday 4/11 - Akashic Records - Your Soul Destiny 


Capsule 3: Body

Tapping Into The Divine Wisdom Stored Within Your Body


Capsule 3 grounds you into your body as you prepare to use what you have learned about yourself to take your immediate next steps.

First, we will support your connection to your body, and let it lead the way with a Body Scan practice you can use anytime you feel disconnected, or unsure of your next steps.

Next, I share a Guided Meditation you can use to awaken your heart chakra (your soul's desires & destiny) and your Solar Plexus Chakra (your will, power, & confidence). Together these energies will supply you with excited energy, encouragement, and aligned actions to support you as you begin to transform your life and manifest your Soul's Destiny.


Session 4: Monday 4/15 - Body Wisdom + Body Scan Practice


Session 5: Thursday 4/18 - Following the Calling of Your Heart & Soul


Capsule 4: Bonuses


Session 4: Monday 4/22 - Astrology As A Guide


Session 5: Thursday 4/25 - Live Q&A Session with Channeled Guidance


**When you sign up for early bird pricing you will gain access to a 30 minute Individual Guidance Session with me to receive channeled guidance from your spirit team so you can start off the course with a clear focus and shared intention and connection with your soul team.
**Early Bird Pricing and Offer Expires on Friday 3/22

You deserve to live the life of your dreams.

You are worthy of a beautiful, fulfilling, and abundant life.

If you are ready to do the work, I am here to offer you the tools to support your transformation!

Check out testimonials from past clients who have worked with me.

Not sure this is the right course for you? Reach out to me and we can chat about it