Transform your life and embody your Soul Destiny.

From Lost to Empowered!


You are here for a reason.

It is time for you to understand your Life Purpose and start creating the life you are here to experience!

Transform your life in alignment with your Soul's calling and truest desires.

Fuel yourself with inspiration and willpower to create the transformation you crave!

Over the course of 7 live sessions you will gain the tools you need to connect to your Higher Self, Your Akashic Record, and the wisdom stored within your physical Body.

Have a pressing question you would like guidance on?


Place your order and submit your question. I will channel your energy and work with your spirit team to deliver the most appropriate response, guidance, and healing for you. 


$25 for one question. Response will be emailed to you.

Experiencing difficulty or unsure of your next steps?

The Akashic Records hold the knowledge that can set you on the right path.

Submit 1-3 questions on topics you would like to gain clarity on in the Akashic Records.

Within 5 days I will reply to you with not only the answers you need in this moment, but also healing energy to support the integration of this knowledge from your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.

My *Signature* Experience 

Discover your Soul Destiny.

Receive Channeled Guidance, 1-on-1 Support, and Energy Clearing and Healing.

Understand your Immediate Next Steps.

Feel Empowered to Create the Life You Truly Desire.

60 Minute - Live Virtual Session. 

You will receive an email to schedule your session once you place your order.

Who Should Work With Me?


Anyone!!! If you are not living a life that makes you happy, then I can help you figure out what needs to change! You can be new to this path of realizing you deserve happiness. You can be a spiritual baddie who needs direction on next steps. Age, ability, life season, etc. does not matter! What matters most is your DESIRE to live your dream life.



Larissa's Soul Blueprint Session was a powerful realignment for me!

I have been struggling with “purpose” for quite a long time and felt called to Larissa's energy after watching her YouTube videos. Larissa helped me think through different topics and tuned into areas I had already been struggling with. The written report took the weight off of me to remember every detail. Most of our session was absorbed into my mind - and though I didn’t realize - it is affecting how I’m moving through life.

This session would be valuable for others who are seeking high level spiritual guidance that deeply shifts your perspective. The themes and action steps Larissa shared were clear and powerful reminders of who I am on a Soul level! I felt seen and heard and like I was chatting with an old friend. I felt so comfortable opening up to her. Having a reading with Larissa reminded me of the truths I knew but may have forgotten, and she was able to bundle it up in succinct nuggets of info.

Jillian - Clarity and Validation

Spirit put you in my path and your work spoke to me. It was so validating to hear that what I’m doing is where I’m meant to be and that my heart is in the right place with my work. The written report was extremely useful! I get so excited in these sessions that I often forget much of what was said. Reflecting on it after the fact helped me realize the truths behind what Larissa said and validate the experience further. Our session together helped me realize there’s no rush to get to where I’m going and enjoying the journey is part of the journey. Our session also took pressure off of me to figure out what/where I’m really “supposed” to be - it supported my understanding that I’m already on that path. Others should Absolutely work with Larissa! Her sessions are so reassuring and validating!


Mayra - Informative

I decided to work with Larissa because has a trustworthy energy. In our session, she had a great understanding of interpreting my birth chart, but I was also blown away by Larissa's connection to her spirit team, and her ability to channel messages throughout our session! From our session I learned that I need to follow my intuition. The report she provided was very helpful, because I got so much information during the session that I didn’t even remember it all until that emailed report refreshed my mind!


Dusty - Powerful Confirmations and Incredibly Empowering!

I wanted to know what was in my blueprint that I was not aware of, and how I could become the woman I was created to be, living my purpose. The number one that that stuck out to me was that my abundance is coming through the pain that I have been through and how I use what I have been through to make a difference in the world. And also it was such a powerful confirmation to know that I am meant to do things in my own way. Seeing the written report in black and white helped all the information sink in for me. I’ve felt my blueprint in my soul and every part of my being, and I’ve heard it from multiple different coaches from different aspects of looking at my purpose, but to not only hear my blueprint, but to also see it and read it right there clear as day actually created a huge shift. So much has happened since our call! This session actually helped me step more into my power. I was just on a call with fellow coaches I worked with last fall and they could see the power shift and were physically applauding me and cheering for me! Hands Down you need to book a session with Larissa! Everyone should learn about who they are at the core, and what may be struggles and what are strengths for them and how they can rise up and overcome! This session is so powerful!!!

Mia - Fulfilling & SO Valuable!

I was excited to work with Larissa and try a new healing modality. Her Soul Blueprint session made me feel SEEN! And it gave me valuable ways to move forward on my journey through life. It also made the journey clearer than it has ever been. The written report gave me the ability to go back and review what we discussed in incredible detail. Our session definitely changed my view on how I feel about my life, and it gave me clarity, and guidance on how to go for things I have been thinking about trying!

Nick - Insightful

I wanted to know more about my life blueprint and see what came up for me. Our session together was very informative. You have a lot of knowledge on astrology and it was very helpful to see the patterns you pointed out. I was able to revisit some early childhood experiences and see certain themes in my life more clearly. The written report was very useful and a great reference point to have to continue on my path. Meeting with you helped me to see that I am on the right path and to have faith in what I'm doing. Your Soul Blueprint session will help people understand the reasons behind certain emotional patterns and point them in the direction of being authentically themselves.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Lateness: If you are late to a session, I cannot add more time onto the end. If you are more than 30 minutes late, you will receive an email to book another session time.
  • Session Length: Sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes, but can range anywhere from 45 minutes to 90 minutes.
  • Sessions are for individuals only. Partners, friends, or family members are not allowed to join your session and ask for guidance.
  • Refunds are not possible once the order has been placed. You are able to reschedule your session as necessary.