Who I am, and why I want to help you uncover your Soul Blueprint…


Hi, I’m Larissa Michelle! I was a school teacher living a ‘regular’ life when all of a sudden my world crashed down on me.


Okay, it didn’t happen so suddenly, but it felt like it did! I lived a life colored by frustration, depression, loneliness, and just emptiness. But one day, I lived out my worst nightmare. The father of my kids left me for another woman. It was a total shock at first, but looking back, it was completely obvious he was seeing other women.


So, I found myself, officially a single mom to my 2 little girls. One of them was a terrible two with explosive tantrums, I suspected she was on the spectrum. And the other had multiple special needs and had become very sick, with no diagnosis. The pandemic had just shut down the city, and between my online teaching duties, my older daughter’s online learning, her new unknown sickness, my younger daughter’s explosive meltdowns, and the heartache of losing my partner… It just felt like my brain broke and I didn’t understand life or myself anymore.

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I kept asking myself why? Why did this happen? Why did I not see this coming? 

These “why’s” led me down a path to understand myself. And to realize that I was living my life locked in misery.


I started reflecting. It’s like all of a sudden I woke up from a dream. A reality where I was not a person that existed! A reality where I just went along with anything, and tried to keep the people around me happy. A life where I mostly experienced emotions like anger, sadness, and disgust, while I put all of my positive energy into the people and the work that was outside of myself. 


I was a teacher, an advocate for the Down Syndrome community, an involved and caring mom - and I was also miserable. I often just went blank and repressed everything I felt instead of dealing with it. Everyday I smiled and continued on with the million tasks and responsibilities that hung over me.

When I started asking myself why, all of a sudden, I mattered to myself. I wanted to understand who I was, and why I had allowed life to become so miserable.


I wanted the answers to all of my why questions. So I began my self-discovery journey. I journaled and reflected. I used tarot and oracle cards. I channeled my Spirit Team, Higher Self, Archangels, Divine Beings, Ascended Masters. I got into the Akashic Records and learned about my past lives and soul contracts and the pain my soul was gripping onto. I learned about Reiki, and EFT Tapping, and Astrology. 


I also realized that I could change. That change was possible. The box I was stuck in was created by me, and I didn't have to feel trapped by my own pain or experiences anymore.


And little by little I realized that I have gifts. That I am powerful. That I am filled with ideas. That I enjoy feeling emotions, all of them! That I had locked myself into a life because that’s how I saw people live. I thought, “You have kids with a person, and then that person is your person for life.” I grew up in NYC, and had barely ventured out of the state. I was locked in a box and I decided I wanted to be happy. 

After one year of seeking to understand myself, learning about spirituality, discovering my own gifts, and my Soul Blueprint, I decided I was worth the effort to create the life of my dreams. I wanted to follow my heart and create the life that would make me feel most happy. So I quit my job, and I moved away. I left my family, and my home, and I started over in the midwest. 


I also learned along the way that one of my soul desires was to help others understand their unique soul blueprint!!


I use everything I have learned along the way, along with my unique soul gifts to help other souls understand themselves better. To help them see themselves as the unique and powerful soul they are too. I had to do it for myself, and I would love to share this knowledge, and these techniques with you, so you can tap into your soul blueprint and the essence of who you are to create the life of your dreams too.


I can't wait to show you that your struggles are your superpowers; you are much more impressive than you truly understand; and you are worthy of your best life!