Harmony or Development

Published on 6 June 2023 at 18:44

Nothing happens to us for the sake of destroying us, but instead to destroy aspects of us that are in need of further development.

Harmony or Development?


Did you know that in life there is either harmony, or there is development? Ellynor Barz stated, “The urge towards further development arises out of oppression.” This means that oppression and chaos are a means towards harmony.  It means we can shift our perspective about hardships. Nothing is here for the sake of destroying us, but instead to destroy aspects of us that are in need of development.


Take a moment to consider your life. What areas of your life are experiencing frustration? What areas of your life do you feel oppressed, or unfulfilled? These areas of your life are calling out to you! They are calling for your attention, poking you to be develop further.


For example, if you are not making the money that you want to make. If you are experiencing lack, hunger, or fear of never having enough. This financial dilemma is letting you know there is an aspect of you here that is ready to be developed further. Maybe your self confidence is ready to be strengthened. Maybe it is your mindset, and the way in which you were raised to view money. Perhaps it is your physical spending habits that are ready to transform. 


You see just as harmony is individual - so is development! There is no one answer that can satiate a sense of harmony in all people, nor aid in the personal development of all people. In order to attain personal harmony you must dig deep within yourself, shine a light on your inner chaos and find the source that craves healing and transformation. 


How do you shine a light on inner turmoil that manifests itself as physical deficits and psychological oppression in your life? The answer to that is your connection to the soul that powers your existence - your soul. What do you want from this life? How do you want to be portrayed? What is the energy you want to lead from? In what ways do you want your natural gifts to shine? 


You can sit still and breathe deeply and ask yourself these questions and trust in the responses that come up for you. You can journal about it. You can sit in nature; you can dance and move your body and see what comes up. The thing is you need to find what works best for you. How do you best hear and understand your soul?


If you are not sure how to create this connection, I can help! As a Soul Guide, I am here to help others onto their Soul's Highest Path. In my Soul Blueprint session, as you talk to me, I am able to channel Divine guidance, and use the spiritual healing modalities I learned along the way to get to the root of what needs to be developed to help you get back into a state of harmony. My session is meant to help you understand yourself again! To be excited for life again! To feel connected to your soul and your life path, so you can feel confident as you make choices, and take aligned actions that feel best for you!! 


Discover your Soul Destiny in a session with me here!


I am sending you so much love on your journey!


-Your Soul Guide



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