What is a Soul Blueprint?


In the universe there is everything, and there is nothing. “Everything” refers to the entire spectrum of light. Light is energy!


Source is all energy that exists in the universe.


Your Soul is a part of “everything;” of light energy; of Source.


Can you imagine just existing inside of nothing-ness? Well that's how Source exists. As the everything that is surrounded by nothing. Source turned inward to understand each piece of itself - to make sense out of its own existence.


At that moment every part of Source awoke all at once!


The individual parts of Source are known as Souls. Every Soul has its own unique energy. Every Soul decided to create as many experiences as possible.


Just like Source - our Souls are trying to understand themselves on the deepest level possible.



You are a piece of one of the Souls that make up Source energy. You have unique gifts and interests, that are necessary, and must be revealed and experienced by yourself, as well as the others around you!



Your Soul decided to have many experiences, and your life right now, is just one of those experiences!


Before your Soul came to experience this life it made a plan for itself - a Blueprint. Each Soul Blueprint contains vital information.


Your Soul chose the major experiences you will encounter in order to learn lessons and reveal the truth of who you are. Your Soul also chose what other Souls will help you learn these lessons along the way.


You also have free will, and other events and consequences happen along the way that alter or delay you from the Divine Blueprint your Soul has for your life.


Your soul wants to shine in this experience.


The experiences your soul chose are very challenging to learn from.


Sometimes we get stuck in the misery of events, or the grief, shame, or anger we feel towards ourselves.

Once we choose to hold onto negative emotions and allow them to control the direction of our lives, we step further away from the lessons we are here to learn, and the ways in which we are meant to shine in all situations.


And that is where I come in!

My soul enjoys uncovering Soul Blueprints for people who feel locked in miserable lives - where difficult experiences repeat and repeat because you haven’t been able to learn the lesson yet.

I am able to listen to your life and struggles, and help you find an end to the madness!

I can help you learn the lesson, uncover your own unique soul gifts, and continue on your life journey feeling fulfilled, powerful, and comfortable shining as your authentic self!


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