A Look at 2024 + 3 Freebies to Help You Transform Your Life!

Published on 16 December 2023 at 21:31

Can you believe this year is almost over?!  I have so much to share with you to help you prepare for 2024!


I channeled a message that the energy of 2024 is going to be magical, powerful, and incredibly supportive! Think miracles and divine interventions!! Check out my insta post here talking all about it!

In order to use this energy for your greatest potential it is time for you to understand your soul's desires, and what you need so you can set yourself up for success!

Stepping out of your comfort zone will definitely spike your anxiety, but know that every risk you take will be met with rewards! This is an 8 year in numerology, (2 + 0 + 2 + 4) which means there is great abundance available, and you can tap into it every time you take actions that bring you closer to your authentic self.

If you have been wanting to change your hair, your habits, your partners, your job, your lifestyle, your personal style, etc - this is the year to do it and know the universe is supporting you 1,000% !!

Here are 3 INCREDIBLY TRANSFORMATIVE Freebies to help you prepare for 2024:

1 - If you are not sure what your Soul desires, or if you do not feel confident enough to take action, check out my Meditation for Your Being! This short meditation will reconnect you to your heart center and your soul desires, and it will awaken your inner will and confidence! 

2 - Begin to let go of any negativity that is weighing you down and holding you back with my Temple of Healing Meditation!

3 - Join me today in a Sacred Geometry Activation! Create and activate your own Sacred Geometry Symbol as I share channeled guidance with Archangel Metatron! This is a free 40 minute session. Join me live on Zoom at 3pm EST!

Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of these meditations!

I am so excited to see how much you and I grow in 2024!
Sending you so much love,
Larissa - Your Soul Guide

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